Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Education

Through my work with a local Christian educational center, I have seen firsthand how effective our schools can be if given the freedom to make decisions locally. Not every child is the same; a cookie cutter approach to education that does not take this basic fact into account will not work for our community. Empowering parents, teachers, and schools to make decision locally will allow our children to receive the type of education that will prepare them for a successful future.

Many children in Michigan do not have the great schools we have in our area; they need to have more choices, the opportunity to attend charter schools or to attend schools of choice. However, school districts should not be forced to enroll students from outside of their district if they do not have space for them.

We need to approve curriculums that will allow our children to be competitive with students around our country and around the world. If we do not have rigid standards, our kids will fall behind and they won't be able to get 21st Century jobs.
